Worship with us on Sunday at 8:45am & 10:30am | Cornerstone Español at 10:30am ATTEND CHURCH ONLINE HERE




This is is our mantra! We want you to know there is hope and His name is Jesus! We strive to make clear the opportunity that every individual has to be rightly related to God through the person of Jesus Christ.

We believe that God relentlessly pursues each one of us with relationship and purpose in mind. Humanity, because we are marred and affected by sin, cannot by ourselves be saved from God’s punishment for sin, which is hell.

This is why we need Jesus!

Jesus’ substitutionary death on the cross makes possible for us to be forgiven and cleansed of our sins by His blood poured out for us. By trusting in the payment He made for us, we obtain the salvation He freely gives to all who call on His name.



We are members of the Kingdom Network! The Kingdom Network is looking for like-minded churches who are passionate about the calling Jesus has placed on their church. If you are interested in learning more, keep browsing, read our valuesconnect with us, or apply to join.


Center Set Beliefs are those tenets that are valued by our Network, clearly define who we are, and lay out the highest aims of member churches and ordained pastors of the Network.

Member churches and ordained pastors of the Network agree, adhere to and seek to live out the following beliefs and values:

1. Our foundation is Jesus Christ. We have a passion for him, and we love him. He is preeminent in all that we do. His fame is our concern.

2. We exist to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Creation was good because God made it. Sin entered the world through the disobedience of Adam and Eve; all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Jesus Christ was born from a virgin, lived a sinless life, proclaimed the good news of the Kingdom of God, died a criminal’s death, was buried and on the third day, he rose again to save all those who believe in him. He now rules at the right hand of the father. All who trust him as Lord will be saved.

3. We will act continually on the belief that the Word of God, the Bible, is the inspired and inerrant final authority in all issues of life and doctrine. We understand that the original authors and their historical contexts are the best guides to understanding the bible. Outside ‘wisdom’ can often be yeast that ruins the bread.

4. We embrace the tradition articulated by Augustine: “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” On essential issues of doctrine and Christian living, we are united. On disputable issues like infant versus adult baptism, women ordination, and style of worship, we want to give liberty and cultivate charity.

5. We are a multiplying movement of like-minded churches that is committed to make disciples through raising up a new generation of leaders and starting new churches.

6. We are a movement that is passionate about embodying the great vision of heaven found in the book of Revelation, “every tribe, tongue and nation.” We promise to partner with God to see this come about.

7. We are growing as people of love. This movement is based upon Christ-centered friendships that encourage us to stay faithful, accountable and that will work to see all our churches thrive (2 Tim 3:16).

8. We intend to defend and celebrate a biblical view of sexuality. Man is for woman and woman is for man. Heterosexual marriage is the space for the good sexual intimacy. Any other relationship where there is sexual activity is sin and requires the truth and grace of the gospel. We will be communities of light and hope.

9. We stand on the shoulders of others. Our network is a descendant of the reformation and the ancient church, and we gladly adhere to the Heidelberg Catechism, the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed.