Cornerstone Community Church’s Women’s Ministry has a lot to offer for ALL women! It is a great way to get to know other ladies and make new friends! All of the Bible studies are focused on our spiritual growth and knowledge of the Word to become “Bible Strong”! Our focus is to dig into the Bible and to know the deep things that God desires for us to find. We search, study and share the Bible together in several small groups. We get to know each other through prayer time, sharing and yes, laughing! Together, we lift, learn and love each other through life with caring friendships! You will find the Bible to be the most amazing, adventurous, and authentic Book – full of Truth for us to share with others!! All women are welcome to join! Whether you know a little or a lot, have a Bible or not, come join us! You will all fit in!! We meet on Tuesday mornings at 9:45 am for goodies (which are the best in all the west) and coffee, then study from 10:00 until 11:30. We have a nursery available for the “up to 3” little ones in a safe environment with skilled ladies to take care of your little loves. We also have a Story Hour for 3 to 5 year olds where they have Bible stories, fun crafts and snacks led by special ladies that your littles will love!
We have also started a “once a month” event where we gather together for a fun event of different kinds to just meet and have a blast! We have already had a night of Bunko and had a great time! Meeting, mixing and mingling with lots of new ladies is another way to fellowship together! You will want to join in the fun and connect with all of the ladies! These fun nights are in the evenings and will be announced. We would love to have you join on either Tuesday or Wednesday evenings to discover more of the greatest story of all, HIS STORY, the Bible!